From TV to DC

As a child, Jamie dreamed of working in TV

By 22, Jamie’s dreams were coming true. She graduated from NYU. Moved to Atlanta. And accepted her first job in TV.

But soon, TV wasn’t what Jamie imagined it to be. 16-18 hour days, 5 days a week, was quickly taking its toll. Then a second dose of reality. Jamie’s annual blood work. If this was the prime of her life—the results did not agree.

So that was that. Jamie said her goodbyes to TV.

Jamie’s sister, meanwhile, was living and working in Washington DC.

She was employed at a local nonprofit. They were serving families of children with intellectual disabilities.

Soon, Jamie saw in her sister, what she failed to see in TV.

Her sister was making a difference.

“I wanted that!”, Jamie remembers saying. Perhaps even envious of her sister’s healthy blood tests.

Jamie began applying to nonprofit jobs in DC.

Then, she saw a posting. ‘Recruiter Needed’, it read.

So Jamie applied.

And now?

Jamie has helped over 150 unemployed job seekers find jobs that put food on their families tables, provided them a stepping stone to the career they were seeking, and has connected them with their long-term nonprofit home.


Nonprofit Staffing