How This Candidate Landed Her Dream Role

Whether it’s The Windy City, The City by the Bay, or our nation’s capital; Careers In Nonprofits recruiters work to place the best people with the best causes across the country. This week, Careers In Nonprofits Alumnus, Estefany Paniagua-Pardo dropped by—and we asked her some questions about her dream placement with the HACU National Internship

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6 Insider Tips on nonprofit hiring you should know

Nonprofit hiring season has arrived, and staffing your organization in a seamless and effective manner takes high priority. Here are 6 things you need to do—to help make your hiring process in 2019 a great success. Where your job is advertised.  In this digital age, there are many platforms available to advertise your job posting.  Be

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Internal Training: The Employer’s Competitive Advantage

There is no question that the job market is always changing. And with it, so are the needs of today’s employees. That’s why we survey our candidates – so we can share the most up-to-date data with nonprofit organizations on what employees want from their employers. Job seekers, future employees, staff looking for an exciting change — each

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It Starts with You: Best Practices for Creating a Happily Engaged Staff

More than ever, it’s important for employers to recognize that the job market is very different from years past. While it’s been a slow and steady progression, we are now experiencing a candidate-driven market when it comes to hiring new employees. This means that there are more job opportunities than active job seekers. Because candidates

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Hook, Line & Offer: How to Catch & Keep Your Top Talent

More than ever, job seekers are in an increasingly advantageous position to secure the professional opportunity of their dreams. This candidate-driven market is powerfully changing the way organizations must attract, recruit, and retain their top talent. To further understand the challenges employers face, let’s take a hard look at the data: At the beginning of

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