Nonprofit Roundtable: How Job Seekers Can Seize the Day in 2021
Emily Schelle: The one thing job-seekers must do to get the job they desire in 2021—is to know the ONE thing without a doubt that they want in their next role. You don’t have to have it all figured out, but knowing that ONE thing will bring more clarity to your search.  As you’re going through the process, you know what to keep in mind as you speak with potential employers. In being clear on that one thing, you also avoid settling and are more likely to find that long-term fit!
Nurys Pedersen: The one thing job seekers must do to get the job they desire is to narrow the list of acceptable positions. This is counterintuitive, but it will yield the highest quality of positions to apply to.
Doug Pedersen: Anyone looking for a new job in 2021 should remain flexible as well as vigilant as the 2020 job market will have significant carryover into the new year. Be ready to effectively evaluate hybrid roles with organizations that may still be adapting to the pandemic. You should also take your time to fully understand the organization as whole, as well as the people that you will work with. What are their values? What is their roadmap for the pandemic? Culture fit is going to be key to all hiring as the economy continues to come back online and work continues to pick up. There will be more job opportunities for you to choose from. Be sure you’re picking one that agrees with you for the longer-term.
Precious Woods: Re-iterate your interest and excitement for the role your interviewing for –  When you’re nervous in an interview it’s easy to forget to relay excitement. However, employers want to know that you are specifically interested in them as opposed to simply looking to make a move or land any job.  A good way to go about this is by clearly stating your interest in the position towards the end of the interview.  An example: “Thank you for speaking with me, I really enjoyed our conversation and I’m very excited about this opportunity.”
Adele Borbee: To get the job you desire in 2021 you have to take the time to tailor your resume and cover letter. Read the job description, research the organization, take your time, and make sure you resume highlights both your general skillset and any transferable skills. The first top half of your resume is the ideal space to allow those certain skills to shine, don’t make the hiring manager go searching. Your cover letter should highlight your accomplishments but also what interests you specifically in the organization/role. Taking this time will show your dedication and how much you really care and help you get that interview.
Kimmi Cantrell: In my opinion, the most important thing a job seeker needs to do in 2021 is gain clarity on what exactly they want. There are so many options to choose from, and you need to be as close to 100% certain as you can be on what it is you want to do. Having clarity allows you to make decisions with better certainty and excitement.
Jamie Jensen-Farley: In order to get the job they really want in 2021, job seekers need to ensure their resume and cover letter speaks directly to the role they are applying to. More than ever before, people are changing industries and making big career changes. It is important to ensure your resume and cover letter stands out amongst a pile of applicants and directly aligns with the position you are applying to. Generic, one-size-fits-all resumes and cover letters aren’t going to cut it, especially if you’re applying to a role that is significantly different from any previous role you’ve ever held.