The Great Resignation—How to Hire Employees Who Will Stay
According to Fortune, more than 4.5 million people quit their jobs in November of 2021—the highest number seen in the last two decades. “The Great Resignation,” as it has been coined, is affecting businesses across the country, including those in the nonprofit sector. Record numbers of people are quitting mostly because of changing priorities due to the pandemic. There is a strong demand for qualified workers; employees are being lured by better opportunities elsewhere, including stronger benefits, more meaningful careers, and a better working environment.
If you want to hire the best candidates to fill your nonprofit career openings—those who will stay with your company for the long term—it helps to understand the reasons behind the Great Resignation and adapt to meet worker demands.
First, the best nonprofit recruiters will help employers understand the difference between “quality of hire” and “crisis hire.” When employers are functioning under a crisis hire mentality, they are just filling desks and not performing a quality executive search.
Employers need to learn to recruit effectively by demonstrating how their working environments are conducive to long-term employment. This means highlighting the teamwork atmosphere and the shared mission as well as supporting mental health and self-care practices; employees who are healthy can commit for longer periods of employment. It also means finding candidates who have a heart for the organization’s purpose.
Next, employers need to be equipped with appropriate salary negotiation tools. If you’re an employer in the nonprofit sector, Careers In Nonprofits can equip you with the tools you need to successfully negotiate terms with the right candidates.
When you find the right fit, it’s important that the nonprofit compensation package you offer aligns with their expectations. It’s important to have some negotiation tools to keep the new hire longer—a quality work environment, increased benefits and 401k packages help. These strategies also come in handy when discussing nonprofit salaries—preparing you with what to expect in the industry and across regions.
Finally, an engaged employee is one who will stay on the job longer. An engaged employee is a person who cares about the work they do. Their work has meaning and purpose, and it is not something they will leave on a whim. Many people who have quit during this Great Resignation believe they can find more meaningful work elsewhere—and what better space than in the nonprofit sector?
Creating an engaged employee begins with the quality of hire, but then continues with employment advancement opportunities, the ability to learn and grow within the organization, and the opportunity to earn more as they advance. Nonprofit jobs offer an incredible opportunity to find work that is rewarding and engaging—and should attract quality employees.
To make sure you are attracting the right people to your job, click here for our FREE Quality Hire Checklist.