People who love what they do, always say this ONE THING

So what is it exactly? This one thing? Well, as we’re coming to find out, as our President & Founder so put it: it may actually be already engrained as a state of mind. A self-awareness so to speak. Read below… “I know what you want. You want to stop wanting. You want to fill

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Big-Hearted Dreams…

At 8 years old, Emily had big-hearted dreams “President of the United States!” she declared she would be. But at 28 years old, a person begins seeing dreams differently. Not as big or small. But simply that you must work hard to maintain one at all. It was at 28, that Emily took a sabbatical

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Professional Identity: You can handle the truth!

In my book, Make Your Mark: The Smart Nonprofit Professional’s Guide to Career Mapping for Success, I describe Professional Identity as your unique set of talents, experience, desires, and interests. I also described Professional Identity as not what you are, but who you are. It’s who and how you show up at work — excited,

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Not According to Plan

Stephani’s career dreams haven’t quite gone “according to plan.” By 24, she finished her schooling, had her Masters in hand, and dreamed of one day becoming Head of Marketing for a big company. Traveling 1.5 hours one way, Stephani’s first real job had no pay. She was doing volunteer marketing for a little Maryland nonprofit. 5

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From TV to DC

As a child, Jamie dreamed of working in TV By 22, Jamie’s dreams were coming true. She graduated from NYU. Moved to Atlanta. And accepted her first job in TV. But soon, TV wasn’t what Jamie imagined it to be. 16-18 hour days, 5 days a week, was quickly taking its toll. Then a second

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34 & Something More

By 33, Nurys Pedersen “had made it.” A Vice President in Washington DC, her career was colored by promotions, welcomed earnings, and a desk in the corner office. But a decade in, feeling unfulfilled and searching for more, Nurys asked herself, “what could I be missing?” So by 34, with little income, and no staff,

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Introducing: A New Campaign… with lots of love

We believe it with all our hearts… “When people do work they love, they do their best work.” And to prove it, we’re going to be showcasing people doing amazing work to support the nonprofit sector. So stay tuned. And make sure to follow the new campaign right here on our blog. Let’s get ready

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